Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:14 am
by Strat-o-lux
f you look at the schematic you will see that the LED's are anti-parallel so as long as you are consitant the result will sound the same. You can put them both in the right way or put them both in backwards, it makes no difference, just don't put one in correct and the other backwards.
Thanks for the clarification.
Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:16 pm
by aussy
Dangit! While attempting to screw up the enclosure, three of the screws broke in their respective holes. Guess I'll have to buy an extractor bit now

Also, which of these two switches should I order to replace the one I melted? my folk fuzz has ceased to function, so I'm going to have to rewire the whole thing.
Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:00 pm
by mr. min t.fresh
Good evening,
First, let me start by saying this was an awesome project to pass on to the members of the forum ( BIG thanks!! )
OK...........after a bumpy start trying to figure out what went where I just finished the project and can confirm it works like a champ!!!!
I am in shock that it worked on the first go and VERY excited about the way the pedal sounds!!!
Once again thank you very much for a chance to build an awesome pedal!!!!
Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:12 pm
by JoBro
More trouble.... I got transistor 3 and 4 soldered in facing in the wrong direction. I've spent some time trying to get #4 out with a soldering vacuum from radio shack but have had no luck. Any ideas?
Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:55 pm
by mr. min t.fresh
Radio shack should carry sol. remover in a spool.
You hold the wire over the area you want to remove and apply the heat from the sol. gun. You will see the copper start to turn silver ( this means the sol. is leaving the board. )
This should help you out my man.
Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:04 pm
by jfromel
Ok these are self threading enclosures, the first time you screw the back on it will be tight and you should use some 3 in 1 oil to help lube the fit. I have never broken a screw off so you may have gotten some extra weak screws or an extra strong enclosure.
The switch you want is the SPDT center off, they are also available from Radio Shack.
Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:48 pm
by JoBro
So in trying to remove T3 and T4 I broke off the leads. Can someone direct me on finding a replacement. I've found these on mouser do they look right? ... 12-TN2219A ... -P2N2907AGThanks!!
Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:09 pm
by jfromel
I think I have extra parts for just about everything so I can send them out.
Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:00 pm
by JoBro
I think I have extra parts for just about everything so I can send them out.
That would be great! Thanks!!!
Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:21 pm
by Strat-o-lux
On the circuitboard and diagram there is what seems an extra soldering pad for T1 and T2 right on the outline of the transistor. These remain unused? Or did I miss something?