Re: new build... folk fuzz/(dist???) and of course questions

Got some parts from germany yesterday so I boxed my first unit and I am goint to jam with my band using it on thursday. Just to try it out in a band situation.I replaced the trannies for BC550s and the gain raised very much, so I put back the 1M fuzz pot but this time for a neg log one.
My second unit is going strait up the operation bed for some transplantation. All filtercaps will have their own 12 pol switshes tro try different values, maybe even so for som of the filter resistors. The same goes for the clipping stage, gonna try as many diods and clippers as I can in different combinations and try to see what fits best.
the fun is that a very "simple" circuit can sound that good and thats nice.
// Magnus
Got some parts from germany yesterday so I boxed my first unit and I am goint to jam with my band using it on thursday. Just to try it out in a band situation.I replaced the trannies for BC550s and the gain raised very much, so I put back the 1M fuzz pot but this time for a neg log one.
My second unit is going strait up the operation bed for some transplantation. All filtercaps will have their own 12 pol switshes tro try different values, maybe even so for som of the filter resistors. The same goes for the clipping stage, gonna try as many diods and clippers as I can in different combinations and try to see what fits best.
the fun is that a very "simple" circuit can sound that good and thats nice.
// Magnus