Another round of Folk FUZZ 3.5%!!!!!

While I wont go into all the details I have been having some problems with my PCB supplier and they have re-made all my orders in the last year as a gesture of restitution for the defect in manufacturing. That included the Folk Fuzz boards. So I now have boards available but thought it might be good to offer a complete kit with drilled enclosure switches, everything.
Please take part in the poll and send me a PM if you want in on the second round. Please give others who wanted to participate last time but missed out first option.
Bjorn and I have been talking about how to make things go better this time around so the Fuzz is more FUZZY and Fun more FUNNY and the learning more educational all at the same time but the board will be the same. If I was to do it all over again I would have made the boards a little different but it is what it is.
There is also talk about doing some special enclosures for the project that I etch or Donner paints or perhaps even both if there is enough interest.
I don't know what the pricing will be but I guess it would be about the same as last time unless the price for silocone transistors has gone through the roof. The price for a complete kit will be in line with BYOC plus whatever the cost of the finishing of the enclosure would be.
Please take part in the poll and send me a PM if you want in on the second round. Please give others who wanted to participate last time but missed out first option.
Bjorn and I have been talking about how to make things go better this time around so the Fuzz is more FUZZY and Fun more FUNNY and the learning more educational all at the same time but the board will be the same. If I was to do it all over again I would have made the boards a little different but it is what it is.
There is also talk about doing some special enclosures for the project that I etch or Donner paints or perhaps even both if there is enough interest.
I don't know what the pricing will be but I guess it would be about the same as last time unless the price for silocone transistors has gone through the roof. The price for a complete kit will be in line with BYOC plus whatever the cost of the finishing of the enclosure would be.