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Donnerbox 4.5 (FolkpFaze Box input)

Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:36 pm
by Donner
Folk pFaze 4.5% box input please..
Color preferences?
Drilling pattern ?
Re: Donnerbox 4.5

Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:00 pm
by justonwo
Standard triangle drilling pattern is fine with me. Colors I'm completely open to. If you built a bunch of different ones, I'd be happy being surprised.
I was always a big fan of the original Folk Fuzz finishes, though, now that I think about it. Particularly these:

Re: Donnerbox 4.5

Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:00 pm
by Corksniffer
IIRC is going to be in a 1590BB which is a larger box. We need more info about the number of knobs and other parts. Finishwise I would prefer one of the quilt or flame top type finishes with a trans honey paint. Did you mention the price range for these? I think I had heard before that your boxes were very expensive.
Re: Donnerbox 4.5 (FolkpFaze Box input)

Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:57 am
by mills
I'd assumed we'd be going with a wider box for the accelleration stomp switch like jfromel mentioned in the earlier thread... A horizontal 1590BB? I think that sounds right. And if they can be pre drilled that would be amazing. I pretty much can't drill a box and won't be able to any time soon.
Rate, depth, blend will probably be pretty much the standards, but in the schematic we have an accelleration, bias, some kind of second rate control (could that fit into a dual ganged pot and just keepa fixed second speed?) and phase/vibe switch. I'd guess accelleration would be a logical fourth with the stomp switch to ramp the speeds. If there's room for four controls across the top, the two stomp switches +LED's on the bottom that'd be good... maybe a phase/ vibe switch and leave room on the PCB for bias/etc to be internal trimmers?
If we ended up with the parallel phasing option, I wouldn't mind trying to squeeze in a fifth control if it means a row of three and a row of two; I think being able to tweak some crossover frequencies without swapping components would be great.
I'm pretty easy going about colors and such, I'm just happy to get a chance to put together a phaser-y pedal with some cool options. I'd be thrilled with anything from unfinished metal to whatever Donner thought of to put together. I haven't seen anything Donner's painted that I didn't think looked good, so I'm sure whatever gets put together will be great.
Re: Donnerbox 4.5 (FolkpFaze Box input)

Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:00 am
by siderealtime
no way! you're going to donnerboxerize these for us after we build them out? thats very awesome.
hmm, maybe black with some white crescents that look like phases of the moon...
da dum cchhhh, sorry that was terrible
Re: Donnerbox 4.5 (FolkpFaze Box input)

Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:47 am
by Donner
no I had more in mind I would do a batch of t hem in a similar paint scheme with the same drilling pattern - if there could be one agreed on..... I can get the price down some by doing a whole run of them at once - rather than doing each one individually.......

Re: Donnerbox 4.5 (FolkpFaze Box input)

Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:41 pm
by jfromel
this one will need to be in a 1590BB size box, done horizonal. We are still a bit away from having a layout.
Re: Donnerbox 4.5 (FolkpFaze Box input)

Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:32 pm
by thiscalltoarms
I just want to say I think the color scheme should be a purple ish. something about the "pFaze" thing strikes me as an ugly purple. with the nasty plushy carpeting that kustom brand amps had on them in the day.
I love the idea of a Donnerbox by the way.
Re: Donnerbox 4.5 (FolkpFaze Box input)

Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:51 pm
by mrpicard
Yes, add me to the list for a Donnerbox

As for color, I kind of like to leave that up to the box builder because the results are always way better than I could even hope to imagine.
Re: Donnerbox 4.5 (FolkpFaze Box input)

Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:11 pm
by Andy J.
...c'mon guys, aren't phasers supposed to be orange?

anything's fine by me.