Folk pFaze 4.5%

So here is the next project - the schematic is pretty much done but there is still some room for improvement, and suggestions.
After talking with Bjorn on this we thought it would be fun to get everyone involved earlier in the project so you can see the development from start to finish.
It will be a light phaser based on the Phase 45 with lots of options.
1. It can Vibe if you want and it can be switchable between Vibe and Phase
2. Will have an optional Mix Control
3. Will have a ramp up/down control to simulate the accelleration/de-celleration of a Leslie speaker.
This can be done very simple with just one knob and a switch or very involved with lots of knobs and switches and choices.
What this is not:
A. A univibe clone
B. A leslie simulaor
Its a phasey vibey ramping thing and there really is not anything like it out there that I know of.
So before I begin the layout for the PCB; we, yes all of us together, need to finalize the schematic. The first task will be finding a use for 1/2 of an op-amp. We could use it for some added dirt, could use it to make a buffered bypass, or something else I have not thought of. The current schematic only has 5 op-amps and if we use dual op-amps there will be one wasted as the circuit sits now.
You will also see two different versions of the ramping circuit and need to decide which one to roll with. I am trying to figure out a way to get a better copy of the schem posted.

After talking with Bjorn on this we thought it would be fun to get everyone involved earlier in the project so you can see the development from start to finish.
It will be a light phaser based on the Phase 45 with lots of options.
1. It can Vibe if you want and it can be switchable between Vibe and Phase
2. Will have an optional Mix Control
3. Will have a ramp up/down control to simulate the accelleration/de-celleration of a Leslie speaker.
This can be done very simple with just one knob and a switch or very involved with lots of knobs and switches and choices.
What this is not:
A. A univibe clone
B. A leslie simulaor
Its a phasey vibey ramping thing and there really is not anything like it out there that I know of.
So before I begin the layout for the PCB; we, yes all of us together, need to finalize the schematic. The first task will be finding a use for 1/2 of an op-amp. We could use it for some added dirt, could use it to make a buffered bypass, or something else I have not thought of. The current schematic only has 5 op-amps and if we use dual op-amps there will be one wasted as the circuit sits now.
You will also see two different versions of the ramping circuit and need to decide which one to roll with. I am trying to figure out a way to get a better copy of the schem posted.