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other DIY Project suggestions ....

Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:31 pm
by Donner
This section was started to organize and encourage the Folk Fuzz build, but also to continue with other builds and projects...
Any suggestions or requests?
Offers to lead the next project ?
Re: other DIY Project suggestions ....

Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:54 pm
by Corksniffer
Donner wrote:This section was started to organize and encourage the Folk Fuzz build, but also to continue with other builds and projects...
Any suggestions or requests?
Offers to lead the next project ?
Im rather unfamiliar with the BJFe line in general. The only thing I know is that there are like 5 regular models and 50 other pedals that there are only 5 or 6 of in the world. Are there other designs that are not bread and butter circuits that pay Bjorn's bills? Perhaps a different type of fuzz circuit that people could learn from? More gain or something where users work with more stages and further explanation could be developed for why each part does what it does and what impact changing that part has. Thats my one complaint about the current "paint by numbers" quality of kits like BYOC. The goal for them is to get a finished pedal for you instead of saying "this is the tonestack, changing this value does this... etc." A better learning experience could be provided if there was more analysis along with the building of the pedal.
Re: other DIY Project suggestions ....

Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:34 pm
by Donner
hmmmm right an educational tutorial/tour of the circuit board would be useful I would think.....

Re: other DIY Project suggestions ....

Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:22 am
by jfromel
Well that is kind of what I was hoping to do with this project. I removed the values from the PCB and refrenced the place on the schematic instead, I was hoping for a larger disection of the circuit, but at the end of the day there is really nothing all that complex with a Fuzz. I am up for doing something else. Lets take a vote..
A. Overdrive (screamer, super overdrive, etc)
B. Phase 45.
C. Something different of Bjorn's design?
Both A and B are relatively easy builds with mods for days and days days.
Re: other DIY Project suggestions ....

Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:06 am
by cosmonaut
Donner wrote:hmmmm right an educational tutorial/tour of the circuit board would be useful I would think.....

For an excellent educational tutorial/tour?
a Delay would be the ultimate joy.
Re: other DIY Project suggestions ....

Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:16 am
by GDKing
I would like to make a psychedelic machine.
Re: other DIY Project suggestions ....

Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:35 pm
by Corksniffer
jfromel wrote:Well that is kind of what I was hoping to do with this project. I removed the values from the PCB and refrenced the place on the schematic instead, I was hoping for a larger disection of the circuit, but at the end of the day there is really nothing all that complex with a Fuzz. I am up for doing something else. Lets take a vote..
A. Overdrive (screamer, super overdrive, etc)
B. Phase 45.
C. Something different of Bjorn's design?
Both A and B are relatively easy builds with mods for days and days days.
I dont see any reason so do a project that several companies already offer as kits and/or pedals that are done to death. The BJFe stuff is just so much more interesting and unique.
Re: other DIY Project suggestions ....

Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:36 am
by jfromel
well doing a delay or chorus after a fuzz is like going straight from elementary school to college.
Re: other DIY Project suggestions ....

Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:48 am
by Corksniffer
jfromel wrote:well doing a delay or chorus after a fuzz is like going straight from elementary school to college.
I was wondering if Bjorn has other designs that he isn't building and would be willing to offer to the community. Another fuzz perhaps of a different flavor.
Re: other DIY Project suggestions ....

Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:15 pm
by lefte118
maybe bjorn would let us do the lgw? its just a modded tubescreamer. another fuzz would be good as well.