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~ Folk Fuzz Group Build Construction Thread ~

Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:16 pm
by Donner
Instructions and discussion of the Folk Fuzz building process...
heres the original public appearance of the Folk Fuzz ... emplate/33and there have been updates revisions and modifications....
Re: ~ Folk Fuzz Group Build Contruction Thread ~

Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:06 pm
by thiscalltoarms
I PM'd Tonefish on TGP (I think that's Mills over here maybe?) about trying to get on the list for 2 sets of PCBs and parts. My reason for the build is simple- I'd like to try out building a pedal, but I am such a noob to electronics that I wouldn't know much if someone else didn't do the "hard work" for me. I am a baby to the electronics world- so I'd like to take a shot at creating something. I am hoping to successfully build the first one, and then mod/tweak the second one (probably sourcing my own parts at times) to hopefully dial it more to a "me" sound. My experience of BJFE has always been that they feel and sound the best- so I am hoping to get close to the feel because it was his design originally, and have some fun in the process. I have absolutely no interest in selling the pedal at all.
I figure that knowing BJ designed it gives me more incentive to work hard and make it my own, because I know the circuit has more potential then say, the typical 808 circuit.
Bring on the journey.
Re: ~ Folk Fuzz Group Build Contruction Thread ~

Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:19 pm
by Donner
Right, Ive fixed a bunch of pedals over the years, but have never built one from scratch so nows a good excuse to try and doing it with a group of like minded 'folks' will be fun and inspiring so Im looking forward to this.... I may even put up for the first batch of boards to get it rolling if that will help , so if we can get those guys over here and movin this could happen and having BJs support will be wonderful !!!
Re: ~ Folk Fuzz Group Build Contruction Thread ~

Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:58 pm
by Cobra
Here's a layout for the Folk Fuzz I found on the web: ... 2.gif.html
I'm not sure if this layout jives with any new PCB's so it's just for reference...
Re: ~ Folk Fuzz Group Build Contruction Thread ~

Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:05 pm
by thiscalltoarms
My understanding is that there are two "versions" of the basic folk fuzz circuit- 2,8% and the 3,5% versions. The 3,5% has a tone control amongst a few other variations that I have misplaced in my mind. I started trying to source parts for the 2,8% version around 2 years ago, but then realized that I didn't really think it was worth the effort without the Tone Control. The PCB's that NOC3 designed have the 3,5% version with the tone control and some extra options for including a clipping option as well I believe.
That said, I barely know what I am talking about electronically, I just spent hours researching the project and the Folk Fuzz in general earlier this summer when the concept of a group build seemed a possibility. I am stoked out of my mind for this to hopefully work out!
Re: ~ Folk Fuzz Group Build Contruction Thread ~

Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:58 pm
by Tonefishin
This is great!!
I had been watching the thread over on TGP and when it looked like all they needed was someone to front for the pcb build, I thought I could help get that going. I figured offering the board and a website with the BOM, part sources, and build info would be great. Then jfromel over at TGP took off with the whole thing...really getting it going!!
This is even better as it's a terrific forum that already has a BJFE focus...and a BJ that comes around a lot

... cool!!!!!! to the signup

Re: ~ Folk Fuzz Group Build Contruction Thread ~

Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:04 pm
by Donner
and heres the link at NOC3 with the layout thats being used.... ... z-project/
Re: ~ Folk Fuzz Group Build Construction Thread ~

Sun Aug 10, 2008 10:20 pm
by jfromel
I have the schematic drawn in English and a etch your own PCB version based on Nicks work. Will post it as soon as I am able. The work that Nick at NOC3 and I have done is based on the 3.5% version with the tone control. Nick added some added features such as two extra optional clipping paths if desired and POP control for the LED.
His version of the PCB is a paint by numbers kit that does not require a schematic or even a BOM in order to follow it. I don't do my PCB's like that. My parts are identified by location on the schematic and the schematic specifies the value. This makes it easier if you want to sub out a part and note on the schematic what you did. I think it also helps us all to learn to read schematics and BJ wants this to be an educational process.
Re: ~ Folk Fuzz Group Build Construction Thread ~

Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:24 am
by BJF
I would like to extend a dear thank you to jfrommel and Nick and Donner and all of you for participating in this.
A bow to you sirs!
Have fun
Re: ~ Folk Fuzz Group Build Construction Thread ~

Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:38 am
by thiscalltoarms
so are we no longer using the paint by numbers boards that NOC3 designed at all in favor of something different?