So, I know pretty much nothing about painting, but saw some duplicolor "fake anodized look" paint used over at for a nice transparent look. I figured if you can paint a car with it, you can paint a stompbox so I picked up their paint pens for writing and some solid colrs to try out. Seems to work pretty well so far, easy to apply and lots of color options.
The "anodized" ones leave enough of the metalgrain or underpainting that it looks pretty nice. i think that it'd allow for some subtle effects once I figure this painting thing out a bit better. (the folk fuzz box is in the build thread)
I'm curious how it'll hold up after some stompings, but for now I'm happy with them.
With the green one I tried to underpaint the top with some white to brighten that side up. Didn't really show up that well, maybe yellow and thicker next time... and, of course, the metalgrain doesn't show up in photos, but in person its way more obvious.

(the DVT is gonna be a mod'd tube scremer, the meat sweats is gonna be a fuzzfor a friend's christmas gift, and the blue one a CE-2 based vibe in case there was curiosty)